Monday, February 14, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

We have them. Late night snacks of Doritos with sour cream, fluff-filled books, reality TV shows: these are the habits and loves that we hide in shame from our friends and family. These are the things that we're not supposed to like, because they are low-brow, trashy or just plain unhealthy.

But they continue to exist, in abundance.

Today, let's expose some guilt.

I love Glee. I wasn't ever in a show choir, but I do fervently wish that I could break out in perfectly choreographed song and dance pretty much on a daily basis, complete with back up chorus of coworkers and a 5-piece band. Watching high school kids fulfill my musical fantasy is pretty awesome.

I read a lot of romance novels. I have an abundance of these little suckers from Amazon because they make a lot of them free for some reason. Don't know why; don't really care. Yes, it is essentially literary porn. As my friend Sarah once explained her minor addiction to them, "It's like a potato chip for the mind. We know that there are much healthier options out there, but damn it they taste so good."

I actually like some pop music. Britney Spears' newer stuff, Lady Gaga, some of Ke$ha's music - they have a good, heavy dance beat that I can sink into when I need energetic music to get work done. I pump out rapid-fire emails when I listen to my Trashy Pop station on Pandora like is it my JOB. (Well, it is, but you know. It's an expression.)

I will eat chocolate until I turn cocoa brown. I have ZERO control over myself when it comes to chocolate.

These are just the things that I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure I have more. But you know what? It doesn't matter. Because these things are part of me even if you don't like them. Now, I'm going to go listen to Rhianna sing something about being an awesome girl while I wade through the 1,000+ emails that are sitting in my inbox.

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