Sunday, December 26, 2010

God rest ye merry evangelical busybodies...

Let nothing you dismay... except for that lost little lamb who ran away from the flock kicking and screaming, who y'all keep saying things to about how she'll always be Catholic and other rather offensive bullshit.

Remember Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day... But nevermind the fact that each and every one of said busybodies probably celebrated the birth of their "Savior" by exchanging several gifts of significant commercial value. I mean, I did, and I'm assuming that we're not so different when it comes to traditions inbred since childhood. Live by example: FAIL.

To save us all from Satan's power, when we were gone astray... You won't win me back with passive-aggressive statements. Even Satan knows that.

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy... It would comfort me if you would respect my decisions. And it would bring me much joy if you'd actually care to ask me about why I wholehearted say "Fuck you" to organized religion and in particular the Catholic Church. I will engage in a meaningful dialogue with any one who asks for it; but I will not put up with your comments that degrade my choices any longer.

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy... I don't bother you on a daily/weekly/monthly basis about your choices. Because your faith is your comfort. And that's fine. I do reserve the right to point out the historical implications of your participation in an organized religion with a rather dubious past, but I promise to keep it tame: "Merry Christian-appropriated pagan symbolism Day" and "Happy Zombie Day!" are usually the extent of my public humiliation of you. If you'd like to see an all-out, balls-to-the-walls public blasting, please read my previous post entitled "An Open Letter to My Ex."

Go ahead. Keep pushing my buttons. Talk yourself into a hypocritical hole. I am taking names and kicking ass, and Christian Bullies are next on my list. Seeing as I can count the number of people who have asked me what happened and why I became an atheist, you have no right to judge, condemn, make pithy, snide remarks and passive-aggressive statements about my lack of religion/faith/whatever. And if you think I'm not going to call you on it, you are very mistaken.


Anonymous said...

Ouch. Thankfully, my God is a lot nicer than the God of the hypocrites you are blasting.

Paula said...

the intent wasn't to piss you off, so sorry. feel free to un-friend me if I've offended you that much