Wednesday, August 25, 2010

If I was religious, I would call this a sign. (But I'm not, so I'm just calling it hilarious.)

Occasionally, I'll hit the "next blog" button because it's entertaining, and I'm bored.

Tonight's foray was...well, weird. We all know that I'm a vocal person who advocates free thinking, much drinking and easy on the minking (no furs! boo!). And that I'm an atheist.

Here's the line up from this evening:
" hit me that I am fortunate enough to know the ultimate Good News. Sometimes I think that all of the bad news makes us forget that we are here to share the Gospel."

That's nice. NEXT.
"When my wife's grandfather's church started using guitars in their service, he complained that all they sang was 7-11 songs..."

Actually, that posting appealed to interest I have in music, but you know, not really much of my thing.
"[W]e have affirmed the necessary instrumental use of "means" -- the Word of God, the Gospel -- in the New Birth or Regeneration."

I didn't even try to read this one because a) OH YAY CRAZY CALVANISTS b) Oh wait they're not crazy Calvinists, but they are refuting the crazy with... more crazy. Awesome.
"I have some favorites from the living active dividing between my soul and spirit breath of Almighty God and source of my strength and my song (yeah you guessed it, THE BIBLE :) to share with everyone."

To be honest, what originally put me off was the smiley face/end parentheses combo and the phrase "living active dividing" which a) I'm pretty sure isn't grammatically correct and b) doesn't even make sense, remotely. At all. Sometimes, you'll find something that isn't correct, but still manages to make sense, you know? This one, not so much.

Also? I'm slightly weirded out at this point. Little did I know that it was about to get worse. I mean, "more special."

Everything about this page reminded me of why I have rejected the delusions of religion. Starting with the GIANT PICTURE OF THE DEAD MAN. Only Christians would come up with the idea to worship the murder of a man by pretending to be cannibals and thinking his zombie rising is "cool." (Have y'all not SEEN any zombie movies? Ever?) And then his bio is weird. And his facebook widget implies that he thinks he's "hip" or something. Except for the fact that his facebook profile pic of of a gator. I guess gory, terrifying death is a theme on this page.
"Yesterday was the first day of SENIOR CITIZEN LEAGUE bowling at Lincoln LANES. I went in, put on my bowling shoes and then remembered I forgot something in the car so I changed to my street shoes and went to the car and then came back and prepared to bowl. Not thinking I bowled two frames in my street shoes."

Well, the color scheme was off-putting, and the all caps is something my emailing/IMing 80-something year old Gma Scott does, too, so I can forgive that. And the bowling made me giggle. At least there's no OMG JESUS, at least.

Has a church in Guam. Didn't really care. Is living in PA. Didn't really care. Has a really, really boring laying/color scheme. Didn't really care.
Title and Tagline: "Giving back to thee the life I owe: Redeemed and paid by the precious blood"

Again, with the death and the cannibalism...
"Please pray for the unreached People of the Day" with a picture of a man in somewhat traditional Afghani dress/turban.


It was at this point that I started asking Parker what the hell was up with blogspot's randomizer tonight, because this shit is SO NOT RANDOM.
"A Society located in Connecticut, dedicated to promoting the Traditional Mass in accordance with the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum."

I don't even know what that means, but I think I recognize "Connecticut" and "Traditional Mass." Are y'all bringin' back the Latin? (PS, further reading down the blog talks about Chant Camp. I'm simultaneously scared and jealous. If it's more Slavic chant, I'm so there. But only if Mark is directing.)
Tagline: Faith, Family, Frugality, and Life on the Farm

For fun phonics, find the phone. Or something. I started laughing so hard at this point, because of the sheer absurdity of the last 10 minutes. Jesus blogs coming up left and right? OK blogspot/blogger, I'm dyin' of laughter here, but really. I mean. REALLY.

Tell you what, blogspot/blogger. If the next "random" one is in the same vein as everything else, I get to lounge here and watch a movie. If it's back to normal, I'll go clean the kitchen. Deal?
"A homeschooling journey through faith" text is superimposed over poppies that have CLEARLY been poached from the National Geographic website (copyright stuff on the bottom is sort of a giveaway).

This one wins the award for "Longest blog title reflected in the URL ever" award. And I get to watch a movie. I'm thinking Eddie Izzard, to continue my irreverence. Maybe I'll work on an entry for Bottles on a Budget, while I'm at it.

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