Monday, March 14, 2011

o rly?

Apparently le ex has jumped on the blog band wagon. And in one of his posts I am described as a "pompous, self-centered woman."

Hurray, I'm not a girl any longer! Too bad I describe him as "that idiot." Doesn't even get a sex or gender identity.

OK, so why am I reading his blog? I have no fucking clue. I must be a glutton for punishment or something.

 I did refrain from posting a comment because I'm mature or something like that. But it pisses me off that he gets to say things like that. Were we not part of the same relationship and break up? Because I'm pretty sure that I'm not a pompous, self-centered bitch. I have my moments, yes. But I'm not the one who decided to make a choice that only had one result: a break up. I'm trying to be really "grown up" here and not blather ALL of the messy details to the world, but right now it's really tempting.

Don't call me names if you aren't willing to back up your ideas with facts. Don't accuse me of being something without giving the whole story. Because I have a feeling that anyone who knew ALL of the facts would tell him he's an idiot (and those that do know, tend think along those lines). Someone related to me died because someone else made a similar choice to his. And THAT is what pisses me off and makes me so angry that clench my teeth as my throat swells shut.

It was a choice. He chose to hurt me.

He made a choice, and continues to make choices, apparently, that are hurtful and shameful. But I'm making choices, too. Some are big and some are small, but all of them are weighed with my friends and family in mind. The world is so much bigger than me, and my life is not just mine. Ignoring that fact, making me feel like I don't matter is the worse thing you can do to me. And he did it. I wasn't important to him. My family wasn't important to him. We as a couple were not important to him.

But I am important to so many other people, and I know that. I have friends and family who love me and are helping me get through every dark day and are laughing right along with me during the lighter ones. I have a dog that adores me (CUDDLES!). And their choices are ones that are inclusive and loving, and I'm grateful for that every day. I'm making the choice to move on, and some days it's really, really hard. Not the "oh god I want him back" type of hard (dear sweet heavens no), but the "must release anger and pain to get back to the good vibes" type of hard.

But get there, I will. I must. Or I'll go insane. And that would totally mess up my plans for world domination.


Unknown said...

Sounds like you are well beyond him on the maturity scale.

On the other side of that coin.... one of the songs that Bob and I danced to at our wedding was Bless the Broken Road. Without this part of the journey, you will not be who you are supposed to be when the right person walks into your life.

Anonymous said...

Wow... what he is doing to you sounds A LOT like a certain ex-bridesmaid I know.

I know it hurts, but he is not worth a damn thing. The simple fact that he is still lingering on the name-calling and even mentioning you in a blog (which he probably started for the sole purpose of trashing you) shows just how "well" he handled the break up.

You're a bitchin' rockstar. Just remember that.

Unknown said...

Someone related to me died because someone else made a similar choice to his.

I'm curious who you're referring to?