Thursday, July 29, 2010

New Project: Bottles on a Budget!

As if I don't have enough to do these days, we're starting a new blog. (Well, hopefully "we." I'm trying to convince Roommate Michelle and Le Boyfriend to pitch in.)

I am proud to introduce... Bottles on a Budget! A blog about wines under $20 and beers under $10. We're going to focus on laymen's reviews of wine and beer, and less on the "there were oak undertones, with a hint of lavender and citrus." I'm more of a "Did it taste good? Yes/No." and "Was it affordable?" person, so that's what we're gonna do. We'll probably throw some stuff about New Haven, Connecticut vineyards, food, Connecticut breweries, and local merchants in there, too.

So mosey on over and check out Bottles on a Budget. "Magical beer, magical wine...tasty, delicious and best when it's mine!"

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